An Attitude of Gratitude.
I'll be honest with you. This is not my forte although it should be. What isn't it you ask? Having an attitude of gratitude. You heard people talk about it, haven't you? They name off all through the day what they are thankful, It could be something ordinary like air or some blessing in our lives. Some people will name off spiritual blessings like salvation or forgiveness. But what if your day begins bad? What if you woke up tired? I have friend who says that lack of sleep causes people to have stinking thinking. Having an attitude of grattiude can be a real challenge. It was for me and I know I've failed. For some reason, I couldn't sleep last night. I don't think I slept until maybe one in the morning then my sister forgot I told her not to wake me early (Because I originally planned on it) so five and half hours later, she comes in and ask, "Did you want me to wake you up?" After that I couldn't go back to sleep, and thus began the stinkin...