
Showing posts from 2015

What You May Not Know About ISIS

Have you ever wondered where ISIS came from?  We all know they follow Sharia Law because they are Islamic. ISIS is an Islamic State group. We've seen it on the news and on social media that they are responsible for countless of beheading and  immersing their victims under water while locked in a  cage. We know they hate Americans and what we stand for. According to the QaRan, they are told to kill anyone who is either a Christian or a Jew (what they call the people of the book) Even Muslims are that way, but just who are these people and where do they come from? Last night, I was scrolling down on my timeline and saw a post by one of the Christian pages I like. Johnathon Kahn was on the Jim Bakker Show talking about ISIS connection to Biblical History. Finally,  I got some answered and it confirmed  in me what I thought all along. Charisma News If you have read in the Bible about how the Assyrians treats their victims, you'd see how similar they are to ...

The Justice of Kim Davis

There are three branches in our government: Executive, Judicial and Legislative. Every branch has their own set of jobs for members to  fulfill. The legislative branch makes laws, the judicial branch discerns or  judges the law and the executive branch is enforcing that law. They also have a check and balance system to make sure everyone doesn't overstep. But it happened. Back in June, the Supreme Court declared that Gay Marriage is legal in the 50 states. There was huge celebration of the supporters but those who opposed moaned, It meant clergyman had a choice to face persecution or marry the gay couple. Some churches were under fie because they said no while others succumb in order to avoid persecution. And there were county clerks who chose to resign, but not Kim Davis. Kim Davis used her moral convictions and her constitutional rights and told gay couples, "No, I won;t sign name on your marriage license." When word got out, the Federal  Judges had her arrested. Sh...

An Attitude of Gratitude.

I'll be honest with you. This is not my forte although it should be. What isn't it you ask? Having an attitude of gratitude. You heard people talk about it, haven't you? They name off all through the day what they are thankful, It could be something ordinary like air or some blessing in our  lives. Some people will name off spiritual blessings like salvation or forgiveness. But what if your day begins bad? What if you woke up tired? I have friend who says that lack of sleep causes people to have stinking thinking. Having an attitude of grattiude can be a real challenge. It was for me and I know I've failed. For some reason, I couldn't sleep last night. I don't think I slept until maybe one in the morning then my sister forgot I told her not to wake me early (Because I originally planned on it) so five  and half hours later, she comes in and ask, "Did you want me to wake you up?" After that I couldn't go back to sleep, and thus began the stinkin...

The Work of the Holy Spirit

I went to the evening service tonight.  The message was on the Holy Spirit and His Work in us. A few months ago, (August 14, 2014) I wrote about the Fruit of the Spirit so I thought I'd would refresh you and  expound a little more about the fruit. The fruit of the Spirit   I mentioned in my earlier blog that the Holy Spirit produces fruit in us, but I failed to mention that   just like a fruit on a tree or in a bush when it appears  is ripe. For example. A red apple (not the green like the granny) when it's not ripe is green, Or let's say a grape on the vine may just be small little green grape. Not edible.  It needs to grow and mature. The same  with us Christians Haven't you heard people saying, "I need more joy in my life." Or  "Lord, give me patience!"?  When we become  born again believers (Christians) we don't automatically have the full  effect of the fruit. Or we may have plenty of love but no patience. As I mentioned in ...