My Thoughts on this Election
When this election season began we had what I considered some pretty good candidates. However, American Republicans didn't want a pastor as a president. What is the matter with that? One of my former friends compared him to Jimmy Carter. Give me a break. Jimmy was a peanut pastor not a pastor nor was he democrats. Ronald Reagan was considered one of the best conservative presidents of all times and yet he was a godly man. Have we forgotten that? When Donald Trump announced that he would run for president all the world (who were conservatives) ran after him. Why? For one thing, he wasn't a career politician. Donald was a business man with money and because if that he wouldn't cater to special interest groups. (The flip side is he could influence people to do what he wants by PAYING THEM). People have forgotten about his failed business and other failures and focuses on one thing: He promised to make America great again. Can he do that? I doubt it. Only God can and yes I kn...