Halloween and Harvest Fellowship

It seems to me that there are some religious people out there who would classify Harvest festivals with Halloween! How dare they! How dare they take away the joy of children having fun in a safe environment instead of  knocking on and ringing doorbells saying "Trick or Treat!"  Grant it that the Harvest festival is the Halloween alternative to trick or treating. Here is my take on why I think Harvest Festivals shouldn't be treated the same way as Halloween.

1. They are run by churches. While just about every symbolism of Halloween is steeped in the druid/paganistic traditions Traditions of Halloween, Christian children needs a safe place to go. I know I would and I am not a child. I much rather go to a   harvest festival than hide in the dark because I don't want to pacify children with free treats. I have done it that way for many years. Do you know why children say Trick or Treat?  Although it is an idle threat, some homes in the past were egged. Not that I fear it would happen to us; I just don't like hiding in the dark.
Although, )and I believe it is optional) children do still dress up, they can be encouraged to dress up as non gory characters: Snow White. Indiana Jones,  a cat, a princess, or even the tin man from Wizard of Oz and they can still have fun by playing games.

2. It is a celebration of Harvest and not Hallow's Eve.  Back in the days of the Bible, they had festivals, yet not in this way imagine.  The people celebrated harvest by bringing in the firstfruits of their crops.http://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionaries/bakers-evangelical-dictionary/feasts-and-festivals-of-israel.html Although, the harvest festival that churches celebrates is different, it is a celebration no doubt.

You may still argue with me, but that is your belief.  Maybe you have some other place to go where you can get away from it. Let the children dress up and have fun, but take them to an event the church has put on.
You will find that as you attend  a Harvest Festival, there is hardly any type of symbolism related to the secular festival known as Halloween.


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