Speak Good Words

Lately as I thought about my cat and what he is going through. I repented of calling him my cutie monster. Why? Because I believe he will believe it and become it. It is the same way with children.

Our words are powerful. Solomon wrote that the tongue has the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21) Think about it. There are spiritual forced that goes to work when we speak words of good and bad. In the beginning, God spoke the world into existence.  He said, "Light be" and it was. Granted, that we are not God (although we are made in his image and have his DNA), we should speak good into our lives, situations, circumstances and yes, pets.

In the gospels, Jesus said. "By your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned." (MT 12:37). Acquitted and condemned are legal words. In the court of law, when you are acquitted of a crime, it means you go free but when you are condemned, you are not let off the hook. Our words do the same thing and on the Day of Judgment, we will be held accountable by every word we say.

The reason children has low self-esteem is because their parents or people they look up to believes every word speak about them.  If their fathers tell them "You are no good" often enough, they will think that for the rest of their life and become no good. If we tell them that they are good, they will believe that too.

We need to think before we speak. Oftentimes negative words are spoken in the heat of the moment. We don't consider the impact of our words. I like a saying I found posted on Facebook.  It ask you to stop and think...See image

Everything negative comes from the evil one. In the same chapter of Matthew, Jesus said prior to that that every good tree bears good fruit and every bad tree bears bad fruit. I think it’s time for us to store up good words to say to one another.

One final note: Paul wrote that we should build each other up not destroy each other and we do that with our words.


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