My Choice of Candidate

We can agree that we don't all agree on the best candidate for president. But I am concerned that people  have made and are making decisions based on words they say. Anyone can  make a promise but not keep it.

2016 makes an interesting year for the election. There is the famous billionaire with a bad attitude who threw his hat into the ring. He promises to make America  great again, but I agree with someone who said that he can't  make America great again.  I have serious doubt he is who we need. And we had Ben Carson. Now I have one problem with him. He may believe Jesus but he is an SDA and that is a cult religion. (Doesn't his church view govt as evil?) There was also  Carly Fiorina, John Kaisch. Marco Rubio, Jed Bush, Scott Walker (and my two favorite: Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz)

But slowly,  America weeded out who they think won't make a good president, including my favorite (again) Mike Huckabee. What is wrong with having a former pastor a president? Are people afraid he will make everyone obey the ten commandments? I think if we have a godly leaders, we will have more laws and better leadership. I think people needs to set aside their prejudice against men and women of God, and put them in the white house!

American has made their choice and the race is between Trump, Cruz and Rubio. Well, my second face is still in the race, but Trump is gaining votes. Why? Are people so desperate to have  someone so rash (or is it brash?) and not tied with the govt that they are willing to put aside his past records?

I just recently watched a video about Ted Cruz and I am impressed and sold because I almost  had changed my mind, but a couple things have put a damper on it yet I am holding on to hope that maybe  the tide will turn. First of all, I saw a video of a taping with a man who claimed God had shown what He has planned for  America. Now before you go onto say, "I don;t believe in that hog wash" Let me say that something he did say did come to pass (Look up Rich Vera on It's Supernatural). This man said that God will use Trump to expose and clean out the corruption in DC. He also said that Obama will  receive some papers to sign like bills or something, but won't be able to ignore them.

Now as I said I am for Ted Cruz, so I didn't like it. I more or less asked God, "Why? You know the kind of man he is." Well God is not the one putting hi in office, the people are. Look at Samuel in the Bible. The people demanded King. They wanted  to be like the other nations.  God gave them what they wanted and  warned them what he would be like, I believe  we are in that generation. The republicans are saying, "We want Trump" regardless of what he is like or was like.

The second thing is a friend of mine on Facebook posted  something negative about Cruz. he said his body language says other things that doesn't agree with his words. Well I am sorry bit I still believe Cruz is  a better of candidate.

I will agree about one thing: As long as  the Dems don't win again.


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