For Our Good

Romans 8:28 states that God works all things out for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose in Christ Jesus. What dies it mean "For our good?" I used to think in "our favor." And although God has no favorites, hi does favor us, His people. But does it mean that every  bad situation will turn out the way we want it? Have you been in a bd situation that turned out how you imagine it to be? A problem arise at work and you have been praying about it. You pray that you won't get the blame for after all, you were doing your job. But another employee has in it for you. He heard about you using your work time praying so he sets you up to lose your job. The next day, you're called into your employer's office and he gives you an ultimatum: Give up praying during your work time or be  forced to resign.

In the Bible, God had worked it out for the good of his people: Daniel is thrown into the lion's den. His three friends are thrown in the fiery furnace. Jeremiah wa sthrown into a ciistern as well as Joseph. God did not keep those things from happening but he did deliver hem because they trusted in Him. That is what we sould we do. Isaiah wrote that God is with us in the fire and in the waters. God promise it would not drown  us nor we would get burned but he didnt say it wouldn't happen.

It is all things and in all circumstances that he works for our good. It may not be as we want, but he has never failed or left us. For the most part these things gives Him glory. When the perisan king saw that the lions didn't devour him, he was delivered and  those who hated Daniel was thrown into the den and devoured. When the Babylonian king saw that there were for men and not thee and that neither of them were scorched, he knew it was because of their God and they were delivered. Joseph and Jeremiah did not die in the cistern.

Bad things will happen to us whether  we deserve it or not. We live in a fallen world. Jesus said if the world hated him they will hate us, but he has also promised that he overcome the world and so can we. We can know the truth of Romans 8:28 Several verses later, Paul wrote that nothing can separate us from God's love and that we are more than conquerers.


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