The Book of Galatians

I have given this some thought: Is God against prosperity preaching? I think when some Christians here preachers saying that God wants them to prosper, they react the same way the religious leaders of Jesus's times reacted. In Jesus's time, the pharisees were trying to put new wine and wineskins. If whatever Jesus taught didn't sound like what they grew up on, they would accuse Jesus of being a false teacher: Jesus let his disciples, pick grain on he Sabbath, Jesus didn't seem to insist his disciples wash their hands. and a bunch other things that didn't comply with the law.  People today also think that the reason why these preachers preach on prosperity is because they are greedy for gain. I would like to see proof on that. Did they started "sowing" money into these ministries because they were convinced they would get a hundredfold return?

"Well, Ruthie!" You might say, "The preacher promised we would! Frankly I have seen him getting richer and richer while I am getting poorer." Perhaps because you do it with the  wrong motive. We should never give, thinking we will get more! Although I read scriptures that says "GIve and it shall be given unto you.." but I think that is more than just money. If you give love, more love will be given unto you. If you give hope, the same unto you. 

My reason for writing this is that I think people will take a verse out of context. Paul wrote to the Galatians because someone(s) has tried to preach something that they weren't taught!  The basis (in my opinion) is someone was trying to enslave them to obey the law again. They were set free from it and someone came in their midst and tried to preach another gospel. There is nowhere in that letter was Paul preaching against prosperity! In fact, if you read 2 Corinthians chapters 8 and 9, Paul wrote about giving!

Please do not say God only wants us to prosper spiritually! I have to agree with Kenneth Copeland when he says we are being selfish when we say "I have enough to live on" If you do, then how  can you bless a brother or sister in need?  How can a person give out of their wealth if they have nothing leftover to give?
Countless of times, I wish my cup did runneth over every time I want to  donate some money to a cause.
Someday I will have more than I need. I want to abound so that I can do every good work.


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