Test Time

When you are in school, you are taught lessons. The teacher expects you to learn and in the end she test you on it. She will not give you the answers or even help you with it. All you have is the lessons you retained in your memory. Sometimes we are given memory tools to help us take tests. For example, you can use a sentence for each letter of the word to remember like grace: (God's riches at Christ Expense).
The test is to show how much you have learned.

In the book of Deuteronomy, God told us  people through Moses that he tested his people to see whether they would obey God or not. Of course already knew who would or who would not yet he tested them. The tests are there to help us grow and mature. James wrote that God will give us wisdom during our trials if we ask without doubting (James1:5) That my friend is our memory tool in helping us with our tests. One way to find Wisdom besides prayer is through God's Word. For example you are in a relationship with a man who wants to make love to you. Well, if you didn't know what the Word says, you might just do it. Solomon wrote that "all a person's ways seems pure to them but the Lord weighs the motives of the heart." (Prov 16:2)

So we pray, but sometimes we don't pray God's will but ours, "Lord, please let me make love to him." The Lord will never go against his Word. He has given us His Word so that we may know what to do when a situation arises. If we know that Sexual immorality is wrong then we should act on that knowledge and abstain. "Lord, I really want to make love to him!" For many Christians, we have what is called a check in our spirits. It is the Holy Spirit in us and warning us to not to go there, but sometimes when we want something so bad, we are blinded to the checks. We ignore it! I was once in a relationship with a man whom I thought I was divorce. This man made me feel good about myself and I only got irritated when concerned friends tried to warn me that he is not divorced. I saw the signs but I ignored them because I wanted to believe what eh had told me.

Sometimes we want something so bad, we can't hear God telling us "NO!" We will even say that we have prayed but we heard nothing. And sometimes God will send people our way to advise us and admonish us but we still don't listen. Yet we say "I've prayed but God hadn't told me no."  Could it be that he had through people? God may be silent to see if you would make the right decision. He had sent people your way and now you want a "Yes" from God?  If you didn't hear from God, he may still be testing you. You have the memory tools to help you take the test. It is called the Bible. It has all the answers you ever need.


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