Secular Music: Good or Bad

There are many opinions about whether Christians should listen to secular music or not. In the Bible, we can only imagine that the music was good. Nothing is mentioned about whether listening to certain music will vex you. The saying  "Music calms the savage beast" is true when you look at King Saul. He was vexed until David played his harp. Later Music was also used to bring on the prophetic when you read about Elisha who couldn't  give a word until music was played-- in both cases music was used for good. Most of the hymns that were sung in the New Testament were probably songs written by David (all found in the book of Psalms). Even the song "Create in Me Clean Heart" was taken from Psalms 51.

Music has changed over the years. Some were written or composed by people who believed in God or worshiped God. For example the popular song Hallelujah written by Handel was taken from scripture (old and new). But is it considered  Christian music? Handel's music was known as classical. What about the other composers? Johann Bach wrote the Ode to Joy in which its tune you can find in a hymnal under the title "Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee." However his was music was also classical yet you can label both as Christian. Not all music is "evil" Granted, there are musicians these days who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ or any knowledge of  God and those music we should stay away from. What about music not labeled as Christian but seems harmless? An example would be Country music. Many Country Musicians do have  faith or a faith. They grew up in church, and in fact, most of them are probably southern baptists. I think there were musicians like Billy Rae Cyrus whose grand parents were preachers!

I admit that country songs don't glorify God as Christian Music do. Perhaps there needs to be someone who owns his own radio station and plays Christian Country Music. There is a CD out there called Songs For Worship Country. I also happen to know(not personally) a few country stars who are Christians: Rascal Flatt and Randy Travis. There are Country Stars who sing about God in their own way like George Strait's I Saw God.
Another type of music does  seems pleasing to the ear and is soothing in a way is contemporary or pop music yet they don't sing about God in their songs yet should we listen to them?  

Here is my advice, listen to your Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict you if the music isn't pleasing. Also consider the lyrics. If you are hearing  lyrics  like "I shoot myself for loving you." do you want to around  singing that?  If the music you are allowing to enter your thoughts oppose the Word of God, then maybe it is time to listen to something else. If you are hearing how something has helped a person through a rough time, I see nothing wrong with that. Can I give a testimony? Country Music  lifted my spirits one day because I love listening to Brad Paisley, George Straight and Rascal Flatt! My personal opinion is the songs people write about is probably based on their own experiences or the way of life! THe same thing for anyone else.


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