Censorship of Conservatives
The year 2020 is the year of difference. It's a year like no other. Ever since people woke up and saw how hateful the media is of free speech and our freedoms, people flocked to the polling places or mailed in their ballots with a vote for Trump. And the Liberals and mainstream media knew it! They planned to rigged our election in order to give their favorite candidate the win--THEY STOLE OUR VOTES! And they fulfill the scripture that says they being deceive deceive others. But why do they hate us so? They are blinded by the god of this age. (Read Ephesians 4:17) Satan hates America because we are the only nation that evangelizes others. He knows his end has come and he wants to initiate the New World Order. His puppets are all those people I have mentioned. This is why it is a spiritual battle. It is a fight for good and evil, but evil will not win because Christian Conservatives have prayed and are praying.
They also want to continue with their sick plans. President Trump has rescued children who had become victimized by Satan's puppets. These people are for abortion because they can sell baby parts and use what is called to Adrenochrome to give them youthfulness. They care nothing about children. Unfortunately for them, our president is standing in their way. The only way to continue their dark plans and win the presidency and use fake news. to tell us what to think. They don't report the truth. And now they have taken away our free speech on social media. Twitter removed President Trump just after Biden stole the win that was meant for Trump and after congress certified Biden. In the latest news, Facebook will censor anyone who uses #stopthesteal as a hashtag on Facebook as to continue their deception, but they will not succeed.
In the Bible it says, "he who steal must steal no longer." God is not a god of injustice but of justice. he doesn't condone stealing. The Bible also states that the thief (the devil) comes to steal kill and destroy). Jesus came to give life and give it to its fullest. God will not be silent. he will act on behalf of our prayers. We as believers of the body of Christ need to form a spiritual barrier of prayer. Paul wrote that we should pray for all saints at all times. I believe God is answering our prayers but when will we see the answer? Only God knows.
If you need a little encouragement, something to lift your spirits, take a break from social media and find videos from Flashpoints that is from the Victory Channel. Social media think they can keep us quiet but God will roar and has roared. Don't give up hope. This is not the end. It is only the end of of the beginning. David Barton said that we may already be in a revival. Hope will rise from the ashes because our God reigns.
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