Living By Faith
"For without faith it is impossible to please God"
For you have need of endurance so that after you have done the will of God you may receive the promise." Hebrews 10:36 NKJV No one likes patience. We all want results now and not later, but there were many people in the Bible who didn't get what God promised right away. Abraham waited 25 years until Isaac was born. David waited until Saul was no longer king. Joseph waited thirteen years before he became second to Pharaoh. But we need patience. Aren't we as believers suppose to be like our heavenly Father? Paul wrote that love is patience and since God is love then he is also patient. If he wasn't, then we are in trouble. James and Paul both agreed that we should let patience have its way in us, but it is so hard. When everything around us looks bleaks, people are giving up on God to save us from this corrupted government, we just want to say, "Come Lord, Jesus come!" Mary and Martha had a sick brother. They wanted Jesus to heal him, but Jesus took his time. He was in no hurry to go and heal Lazarus because he had better plan, a plan the sisters never imagined could happen. And God got the glory! so that after you have done the will of God you may receive a promise. What is the will of God? It is doing what His word tells us to do. Paul wrote that giving thanks is the will of God. Hard to do when you don't have anything to give thanks for, but he didn't say "for" it but "in" it. "Lord, thank you for a beautiful day to go walking" when your car breaks down. "Thank you for provision," when you lost your job. Believe me I have been there. I could look at my circumstances and wonder how I could give thanks, but I look at his word and say, "Thank you for supplying all my needs." Jesus said, "if you believe you receive you shall have." If someone gives you something, do you thank them? If you ask for strength and you believe he gave it to you, you should thank him. Sometimes the will of God is acting on your convictions. If God put on your heart to resign from working because you would compromise your morals and what you believe and you find that you are out of job and the job market looks bleak, you need to have patience until God can provide that job for you. This is my situation. I felt God gave me peace to resign as a substitute teacher. I acted on my conviction even though most employers are looking for job seekers who are vaccinated or in my second choice of jobs, have a car. Maybe this is more for me than you, but after I read it, I felt encouraged. I live by faith and I will not draw back for God has no pleasure in that. Jesus will come, but not on anyone's timetable. and he is not coming to rapture us first. He is coming in his glory and to reveal his glory to all mankind. I want to encourage to live by faith and to remind you that the Holy Spirit will help produce patience in you if you need it. Let patience in work in you and in all of us. Picture 1 Comment Living By Faith 3/28/20220 Comments "For without faith it is impossible to please God." If you want to please God, you have to have faith. Are you pleasing Him by the way you live? The scripture says that the righteous live by faith. The opposite of faith is fear and there are Christians who aren't pleasing God. Instead of trusting Him to protect them from the virus which to Him is like all other viruses, they put their trust in a mask or the vaccine. Why? Is it possible that they see the vaccine like all other vaccines? Are they putting their trust in something man made? The vaccine is NOT like the others.READ MORE
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