
Showing posts from 2016

My Thoughts on this Election

  When this election season began we had what I considered some pretty good candidates. However, American Republicans didn't want a pastor as a president. What is the matter with that? One of my former friends compared him to Jimmy Carter. Give me a break. Jimmy was a peanut pastor not a pastor nor was he democrats. Ronald Reagan was considered one of the best conservative presidents of all times and yet he was a godly man. Have we forgotten that? When Donald Trump announced that he would run for president all the world (who were conservatives) ran after him. Why? For one thing, he wasn't a career politician. Donald was a business man with money and because if that he wouldn't cater to special interest groups. (The flip side is he could influence people to do what he wants by PAYING THEM). People have forgotten about his failed business and other failures and focuses on one thing: He promised to make America great again. Can he do that? I doubt it. Only God can and yes I kn...

Why I choose Cruz and Not Trump

My reason for not choosing Trump has nothing to do with hating him. I can't hate man because God told us to love one another. I don't even hate Hilary. I just despise the kind of person she has become.  There is  a cruel and mean hashtag out there that Trump supporters has used to describe  those who won't vote for him. I am not one of them. I never liked him in the beginning. I don't like his style, but perhaps I would have given him a chance if A) he has a strong Christian Faith and B) is a true Conservative. He is neither. I am sure there are some who will say he is a true conservative. How do you know?  Years ago he has been chummy with the Clintons. It is true that he still feels the same  about politics back then as he do now, but it doesn't make him a great leader. In fact, no  man or woman can make America great again. America is the way it is because the liberals made it that way. It is on a decline because  Americans have turned  their...

My Choice of Candidate

We can agree that we don't all agree on the best candidate for president. But I am concerned that people  have made and are making decisions based on words they say. Anyone can  make a promise but not keep it. 2016 makes an interesting year for the election. There is the famous billionaire with a bad attitude who threw his hat into the ring. He promises to make America  great again, but I agree with someone who said that he can't  make America great again.  I have serious doubt he is who we need. And we had Ben Carson. Now I have one problem with him. He may believe Jesus but he is an SDA and that is a cult religion. (Doesn't his church view govt as evil?) There was also  Carly Fiorina, John Kaisch. Marco Rubio, Jed Bush, Scott Walker (and my two favorite: Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz) But slowly,  America weeded out who they think won't make a good president, including my favorite (again) Mike Huckabee. What is wrong with having a former pastor a pr...

Speak Good Words

Lately as I thought about my cat and what he is going through. I repented of calling him my cutie monster. Why? Because I believe he will believe it and become it. It is the same way with children. Our words are powerful. Solomon wrote that the tongue has the power of life and death. (Proverbs 18:21) Think about it. There are spiritual forced that goes to work when we speak words of good and bad. In the beginning, God spoke the world into existence.  He said, "Light be" and it was. Granted, that we are not God (although we are made in his image and have his DNA), we should speak good into our lives, situations, circumstances and yes, pets. In the gospels, Jesus said. "By your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned." (MT 12:37). Acquitted and condemned are legal words. In the court of law, when you are acquitted of a crime, it means you go free but when you are condemned, you are not let off the hook. Our words do the same thing ...