
Showing posts from 2021

My Review of Fishdom

 Not too long ago, I started playing Fishdom . This game was one of the best match 3 games until  recently. People, including myself has noticed that the developers reduced moves because "some high level players are getting bored." Excuse me? It's bad enough that if you are high enough to get to paly for cups and that's a challenge in itself. I wonder if these higher level players are made up by the developer to defend their actions or their own. family members. I can tell you that I have friends much higher than my level who aren't jumping for joy at the changes Playrix had made.  It got bad for me when I hit level 4246. A level with 27 ice to break. and a certain number of gold to to hit (some of the gold nuggets are buried in thick dirt!) They have 17  ice frozen. I need ten more ice, but it would take a miracle with 15 moves to break 27 ice. Others have it worst. Players are fed up. They have installed the game and not wanting to play. Some just refuse to buy ...

List of 30 'Elites' That Support and Promote Depopulation

List of 30 'Elites' That Support and Promote Depopulation

Support Your Local businesses

 Much of businesses are owned by big tech or big corporations and these entities do not have your best interest. They want to cancel anything that doesn't agree with them or they will cancel you if you don't agree with them. Big Tech and corporations are all about the almighty dollar and they are anti-religious and anti-Semitic and wants to have a one world order. They are what you called globalists. Although we should be light to these places, there are times when we need to take our money and shop locally. Recently, I treated my sister out to Java Heaven. It's my second visit. The first time a friend treated me there. It's a local drive thru coffee shop that has a walk up. I have determined that I would not support Starbucks because they are a corporation that is involved with the deep state. The mermaid symbol is satanic  . Java heaven is a small local shop is much like Dutch  Bros b...

Take a Stand!

"...and having done all to stand." Eph 6:13b The above verse is part of the scripture that shows us how to prepare for battle and in one now. It is a battle of good and evil. We are having to watch the forces of darkness invade our country in ways we have never seen. That is because God is exposing them before he overthrows them. Up until recently, I had no idea that places I like to shop at opposes our American values. Suddenly changes and we have to take a stand for what is right. One way to stand is boycott those places. Even if everyone around you is still shopping there or having coffee there, you don't have to join the crowd. Wouldn't you rather stand for what is right than to join the crowd? Even if your friends are not standing with you, God is right there with you. It won't shut them down, but you will have a clear conscience by doing so. There is strength is numbers, but when you feel alone with what you believe in, you actually have more on your side th...

Are Masks Fashion Statements?

  Ever since China unleashed their man made on the world, the CDC released some guidelines that people grumbled under: wear a mask and stand 6 feet apart. Long before this happen, only the medical profession or people who have certain health issues had to wear a  blue medical grade mask. Nothing pretty about that, but it protected the wearer from getting sick. Now people adapted in order to go shopping, to work or school even. Unless you have a phobia to germs, people wore them whether they like it or not, but others had profited from this need and designed masks of different colors and patterns. Suddenly people started buying masks to match their outfits, or selected the ones that were their favorite colors. These masks are what I call fashion statements. In my line of profession, children would come in with cartoon characters on their masks, or solid colors that matches their outfits. Some even have masks with a  funny face. Even though the children hates wearing masks,...

Are You Available?

      People often mistaken availability for ability. Just when God called Moses to deliver HIs people, Moses had an excuse. Panic set in. He had killed one man and knowing that Pharaoh was out to kill him, he told God he couldn't confront Pharaoh because he had no ability tp speak to Pharaoh, but God didn't ask him if he was able, he called him and told him, he would give him the words to say. How many Christians today have the Moses Syndrome? God calls them to run for politics. If people would hear God call them and respond with, here. I am, Lord! Send me," I think our country would be better off. Our nation is in the state it is because no one rose to seats of government. It is God who gives us power. All he ask is for you to say Yes to His call. When Isaiah said, "Here I am, Lord..." he also confessed he had uncleaned lips, but God took care of that and made his lips clean. God knows we are not perfect. Even President Trump didn't have a sinless life. (N...

We Are One

In the book of John, Jesus prayed that we would be one as he was one with God  Jesus knew there would come a time where creeds and doctrine would divide his people. Clergymen would even preached against certain beliefs, causing his parishioners to look down on any one who followed a doctrine that went against what they believed. But Jesus prayed we would be one. Paul wrote that there is one faith, one baptism and one holy spirit. If members of one denomination received the Holy Spirit then members of another received the same one.  Where we are not one is when we follow deceiving spirits. People of non Christian faith who don't teach according what is written in the Bible, but when it comes to faith like Methodists, Calvinism and Lutherism, that is where we are one. How? Each one is a part of the armor of God. Watch this video below for more on it.

Censorship of Conservatives

 The year 2020 is the year of difference. It's a year like no other. Ever since people woke up and saw how hateful the media is of free speech and our freedoms, people flocked to the polling places or mailed in their ballots with a vote for Trump. And the Liberals and mainstream media knew it! They planned to rigged our election in order to give their favorite candidate the win--THEY STOLE OUR VOTES! And they fulfill the scripture that says they being deceive deceive others. But why do they hate us so? They are blinded by the god of this age. (Read Ephesians 4:17) Satan hates America because we are the only nation that evangelizes others. He knows his end has come and he wants to initiate the New World Order. His puppets are all those people I have mentioned. This is why it is a spiritual battle. It is a fight for good and evil, but evil will not win because Christian Conservatives have prayed and are praying. They also want to continue with their sick plans. President Trump has re...